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Pack Cub Scout Carnival Night

  • 15 Mar 2019
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)
  • Trinity Gymnasium

COME ONE, COME ALL to the Cub Scout Pack 846 Carnival!  Each Den is sponsoring a fun game of skill.  Join us for a night of hitting targets, popping balloons and tossing bean bags.

Class B t-shirts will be available for pick up, one free for each scout.  Additional t-shirts for family members are available for purchase.

RAFFLE TICKETS... COME GET YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS!  Pack 846 will be selling raffle tickets for your chance to win a premium telescope, pop-up screened canopy or a two person tent.  Tickets will be on sale at each pack meeting and the drawing will be in June.  $10 for 1 ticket or $20 for 3.

Uniform:  Class A uniform shirt, jeans or scout pants, neckerchief with slide, belt and hat.

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