When we couldn't meet in person, we went virtual and kept Den meetings on the calendar. We turned to Zoom and Google Meet to stay connected and keep working on badges, belt loops, pins, and rank advancement. We met digitally to talk about animals, nature, first aid, and tell jokes like we have done before around a campfire. When so many youth activities were forced to stop entirely, Scouting continued.
This month, following guidance and best practices from the Boy Scouts of America and health officials, Caldwell Pack 846 is continuing to do their best to meet, explore, learn, grow, play and have fun together.

We are again turning to technology to help us organize and plan outings, meetings, and activities, but we are also getting back together in-person for hiking, rafting, fishing, and to learn new skills and have fun at Den meetings. We are even bringing on new scouts to join our ranks and experience Scouting themselves, something that the current limitations of a global health crisis has seemed to make that much more important.
What Scouting offers, an outdoor program based on building character and developing leadership skills while learning to be prepared for whatever life presents us with, is so much more important today. Scouting can help supplement the online learning that many kids are doing, with an outdoor education program that also incorporates physical fitness, personal challenges, and ample opportunities to escape the indoors.
It isn't exactly like Scouting the way it has ever been done before, but it is still Cub Scouts, and it is definitely still an adventure.
"Scouts are up for this challenge," says Den Leader Mike McDonald. "We teach kids to be resilient and to learn how to work outside of their comfort zones. Dealing with the challenges of carrying on a Scouting program while having to practice new health-related best practices, social distancing, and wearing masks isn't always easy, but we are confident that we can carry on with our program and stay safe. Our Scouts want to be outside, hiking, fishing, enjoying the fall weather. That's where we'll be, as much as we can be."
Scouting continues. Pack 846 is proud to offer local youth the opportunity to try something different, get outside, learn, grow, play, and find new adventures.
If you are interested in Scouting for your family, please visit cubscoutpack846.org to learn more. Or contact:
Mike McDonald