Christian Religious Emblem Program
(This registration deadline is to gauge intertest)
For: Protestant and other Independent Christians:
Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos and AoL's
The 12th point of the Scout Law is that a Scout is Reverent.
The BSA recognizes religious emblems programs sponsored by over 50 faiths.
Cubs from Pack 846 have earned religious emblems from various faiths over the years.
As with most advancement in Cub Scouts - and most religious training, the majority of the work is done at home but scouts will be meeting in-person either once a week or bi-monthly. More info will be available soon.
The TWO programs:
The God & Family for Webelos and AoL's
The God & Family Program for Webelos and AOL's will run this Fall/Winter of 2022. It will consist of 6-8 in person meetings and will run for approx. 2 months.
The God & Me for Tigers, Wolves and Bears
The God & Me Program will start late March or early April of 2023. It will consist of 5-6 in person meetings and will run for approx. 1 1/2 - 2 months.
We are very excited that Ms. Dana Leach from Saint Peters Episcopal Church has expanded her volunteer schedule to Council these Religious Emblem Programs for Pack 6! She has been running this religious emblem program for our Pack for the past few years and the kids truly love her classes. Very interactive and fun.
Please contact Kerry Kilborn with any questions. kilbornkerry@gmail.com
Pre-Registration is required as Workbooks for this Religions Program must be ordered.
(This registration deadline is to gauge intertest)
Scouts of other faiths interested in earning their religious awards should contact their religious leader.
Information on many Christian programs and the Jewish awards is available at praypub.org .