Calling all Webelos and AoL's!!

Winter Overnight!!
Come for just the day with or camp-out with Pack 6 in a Cabin!!
Scouts must be in 4th or 5th grade.
When: January 21st - January 22nd
Where: Camp Lewis
What: Rustic Cabin Camping:
Propane heat in cabin / No flush toilets
Why: Why Not!
Cost: $20/family - Overnight Camping
$10/family - Saturday ONLY / NO Camping
Troop 6 Scouts will be coming to help run the day program!!
Activities could include:
- Outdoor Cooking
- Campfire
- Working on Outdoor skills
- Hiking
- Whittling
- Working on den level adventures
- Team building activities
- And more!
As we are Cabin Camping (NOT tent camping), Space is Limited!
Space is limited to 12 scouts and 12 parents/guardians.
Please register ASAP.
This is family camping, and family is limited to:
1 adult/guardian and 1 scout.
No siblings.
Total registration fee for family (1 Adult / 1 Scout ) is $20.00.
Registration Fee for Saturday ONLY / No Camping is $10.00
Sign-Up Genius to come for food.
Not nearly as elaborate as Fall/Spring Family Camping.
Saturday Dinner / Sunday Breakfast