Hikes are rain or shine.
A hike will only be called off in extreme weather.
-- Hike of the Month –

Pyramid Mountain Hike
February 25th (Saturday) -- Meet @ 10:00 AM
Hiking boots are highly recommended for this hike.
Pyramid Mountain Loop Trail is a 3.5 mile trail, rated moderate.
Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.
Get outside and active this winter and experience this exhilarating HIKE!
Enjoy an afternoon of trekking with your family, exploring the beautiful winter scenery and looking for signs of wildlife - all while getting a great workout.
Bring: Hiking Boots, Rain/Snow Gear, Hiking Backpack - 6 Essentials
(Flashlight, Filled Water Bottle, Whistle, First Aid Kit, Sun Protection, Trail Food)
Dress Warm, Layers
Directions & Parking – Use GPS directions to 472 Boonton Avenue, Boonton, NJ.
Take I287 South to Exit 45 for Route 202 to Main Street. Make Right on Boonton Avenue to the Visitor Center. .07 Miles North of Taylortown Road.
A good Pack hiking program depends upon Scouts showing up to hike. Come on out and give it a try…. The outdoors is calling you!
Hike Coordinators –
Ben Barbro 804-928-4009 bbarbro@gmail.com
Kerry Kilborn 201-600-3338 kilbornkerry@gmail.com