Pack 846 hike of the month
Ramapo Mountain State Park
July 13th (Saturday)
Meet @ 9:00AM
Meet-up: 67 Skyline Dr, Oakland, NJ 07436
parking is very close to the offramp to 287
This hike is a bit longer than our previous hikes at 5.5 miles, but it boasts lots of tree cover, a castle, and a really nice lake. We strongly recommend bringing lots to drink, a few snacks, and a lunch so we can sit and have a picnic somewhere in the middle of the hike. The hike itself is linked here >>
Don't forget to bring:
Hiking boots, Rain gear, Backpack and the 6 Essentials for Scouting!
(flashlight, filled waterbottle, whistle, first aid kit, sun protection, and trail food)
Please contact Mary Mileski if you register but then have a change of plans.
thank you!