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West Essex Memorial Day Parade

  • 27 May 2024
  • Step off by St Alyosius

Registration is closed

May 27th, 2024

West Essex Memorial Day Parade

Come one, come all! Join in the fun. 

Happy Memorial Day everyone.  Please see the Memorial Day Parade line-up map at the link below.  Pack 846 is number 12 in the line-up on Forest Avenue (near St Aloysius)

All scouts should be in position by 9:00am.  The parade will step-off at 9:30am sharp.  Parents can pick up their children at the end of the parade near the gazebo.

In the event of a weather cancellation, please refer the following link Monday morning after 8:00am:  https://www.facebook.com/westcaldwellcaldwellrecreation.

On a different note, our flag sale is complete!  A big thank you to all of our families and scouts that supported this fundraiser!  And a great big thank you to the Reinhardts for running it!!!  Cubmaster Larry will announce which den won the  pizza party before the start of the parade.

Larry O’Brien will be leading the march 


Please contact Larry or Mary (908-331-1917) if you have any questions or concerns.


2024 MDP Map.pdf

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