Pack 846 hike of the month
Mills Reservation Trail
Januart 11th (Saturday)
Meet @ 9:00AM
The hike is a short and easy 2.1 mile loop, which is a dog and young-child friendly trail. Half-way through the hike there is a lookout where we will be able to see views of NYC (weather depending), and we can also stop for a quick snack break.
We will see you at 9:00a.m.!
Don't forget to bring:
Hiking boots, Rain gear, Backpack and the 6 Essentials for Scouting!
(flashlight, filled water bottle, whistle, first aid kit, sun protection, and trail food)
Please contact Steve Willenborg if you register but then have a change of plans.
(973) 768-0316
thank you!