Attention Pinewood Derby Racers!
This year’s PWD workshop will be held on
January 18th from 12:30-3pm
in the Trinity Academy Cafeteria.
- scroll or band saws
- bench sanders
- dremels
If you can lend a tool, and even better a couple hours of your time to run that table, we can ensure all are able to get their cars in “shape”. Please contact us if you can help.
We recommend arriving as close to start time as you can. In theory cubs can get a car cut, sanded and ready for painting in an afternoon without making a mess in dad’s garage.
But don't forget to check out the PWD rules!
Pack 846 Pinewood Rules Jan2025.pdf
Entering an Unlimited car?
You are welcome to come too!
Come down even if you don’t need the tools!
Preview friends’ cars.
See some old cars.
Get some tips from our veteran cub craftsmen and women.
Do some tweaking with some available tools you may not have at home.
Get inspired!
It’s a fun afternoon. Bring a friend!
Hope to see you there!
Please reach out if you have any questions, to the Cubmaster and current (but searching for replacement!) Pinewood Derby Commissioner, Larry O’Brien. or 718-427-3472
PWD dates:
- Jan 18th - Pinewood Derby Workshop, 12:30-3pm in the Trinity cafeteria (same place as den meetings)
- Feb 4th - Registration, 6:30-8:30pm, Trinity Cafeteria
- Feb 8th - Pinewood Derby, 4pm, at a DIFFERENT LOCATION: First Presbyterian Church Gym / Fellowship Hall.